Saturday, December 22, 2007

Birthday Surprises and JLO

Had our office Chritmas luncheon and gift exchange this past week AND Celebrated a peer's birthday at none other then TGI Fridays !! Texans sure know how to celebrate. Listen in to Joel Lopez's birthday surprise after all gifts were opened and meals were "eaten". enjoy...

errr ... we interrupt this video clip to get some HUMAN support.

In the meantime please visit my website for great stuff to view or purchase


Computer Problems

My computer ccraassshed !! Auuughhh... had to restore and went thru "H X LL" didnt know I depended on the internet as much. I do have to say; if anything Dell is a great computer and technical support is always willing and able to assist 24x7, mind you... if you have the extended warrranty. Boy did i learn stuff these last few days. Feel like an OLE pro ! literally.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Busy ...busy...busy. Holidays do not give me a break. In fact, I'm the busiest during the Holidays because my list of people to remember is too long to keep up with. Not to mention the potlucks, gift exchanges with friends and relatives and those Christmas cards that need mailing. Auuughhh... where's my address book?

Anyhow...I decided this year, I'm going hand-made. I have several ideas of what to get for those special some"ones".

For now... i'll have to add pictures of the handbags that i've been so busy creating. Those awesome picture frames. I'm so addicted to crafting.
The above picture is mosaic done in hues of greens. Want one?
Checkout my website for more mosaic creations.
Have a great day all.